Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Monday, March 09, 2009

Moss doesnt restrict the styling and look and feel of the site

Check out the following site which are been build on MOSS,

The main thing which i try to figure out is that how people structure the application in MOSS, site, sub sites, pages,

you can trace the structure by hover over the main navigation.



Bilingual application


Difference Between Moss2007 and WSS

Today i come across a very good link which provide a brief difference between these two,

Following is the link for the difference


Celebration for Birth of Prophet (SAW)

lets celebrate this occasion

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Cleared 70-541

On Monday 2nd march 2009, i passed Microsoft window share point services 3.0 application development 70-541,

My Experience about preparing for 70-541

  1. Buy hard cover book of Inside Microsoft Windows Share Point Services by Ted Pettison, you can easily purchased that book if your living here in Karachi Pakistan from Urdu Bazar
  2. Try to read first three, sixth and seven chapters thoroughly,you can refer to the sample codes for that book which are easily available http://www.microsoft.com/mspress/companion/9780735623200
  3. if you feel that you are getting difficulty to understand then you should see each chapter sample code and try to under every piece of code
  4. in my case i put 2 months target for that certification, as i was a beginner at that stage, try to take the exam date in advance, and for God Sake don't reschedule the certification, because the delay will erase your interest.

my next challenge is to clear the Microsoft sharepoint server 2007 Application Development 70-542 certification, i have already registered my self for that exam which is scheduled on 30th march 2009

this certification brought back some faith in myself